help a dog with renal failure

help a dog with renal failure

To help a dog with renal failure I discovered that 1. food combining, 2. order of ingesting foods and 3. allowing for digestion between eating greatly influences nutrition absorption.  Namely, that you should not combine protein with starches and fruits should be eaten alone.  Only 4 to 6 fruits (or vegetables) should be eaten at one meal.

Plus sequential eating is also necessary to best help a dog with renal failure.

Thanks for all the help Mom!

The waiting times between meal types that I have read about is 2 hours after eating fruit; 3 hours after eating starches (vegetables) and 4 hours after eating proteins (be sure to consult my Food List and Food-Nutrition pages for more detail.)  I had read it is best to eat fruits in the morning and since I serve pureed which aids in digestion I allowed them to digest for only 30 minutes.  Then I fed protein (green tripe) by just cutting apart into little pieces and waited 4 hours to allow movement thru the digestive tract.  Then I fed veggies and allowed 2 hours (since they are pureed which again greatly reduces digestion times) before offering the pm meal of protein (tripe) again.  Then 4 hours later I offered the last nutrition of the day:  iceburg lettuce with honey which included the salmon oil because I had read fats are better tolerated by adding raw green leafy vegetables (and I switched from cabbage which hinders thyroid production.)

My final meal ingredients with added vitamins, minerals and herbs and schedule of feeding to help a dog with renal failure were:

Marrow Plus: 9:30am  A small amount in a tiny bottle cap right into upturned open mouth

Breakfast:   10am  Two fruit combinations with dusting of calcium/D3, Hawthorn Plus, Ubiquinol, Rehmannia Six (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan – Rehmannia Six Formula), & Mega Pet Daily multi-vitamin & stinging nettle seeds

  1.  Pineapple & Mango – pureed and stored separately, but combined to feed
  2.  Cranberries & Blueberries –  ”                ”               ”                 ”                   “

Morning snack:  10:30am – Pureed lettuce with honey, Fosfree, Vit C, Vit. E & salmon oil, stinging nettle seeds

Lunch:  11am – 100% raw green tripe (Thursdays raw Venison until 13 1/2) with  stinging nettle seeds sprinkled on

Medication:  11:30 am  RenaPlus prescription potassium supplement finger-fed

Veggie afternoon snack – 3pm – two veggie combinations topped with FosFree, good dusting of Calcium/D3, Selenium, Taurine, Vit. C, Rehmannia Six (Liu Wei Di Huang Wan – Rehmannia Six Formula), Hawthorn Plus, Magneseum,  Glucosamine, Marmite, Sea Supreme multi-vitamin, Ubiquinol & stinging nettle seeds per following:

  1. Sweet potatoes & Banana- pureed and stored separately, but combined to feed OR  Pumpkin & Banana, same concept – alternated with above, i.e. each every other day
  2. Parsnips & Pineapple – Daily- pureed and stored separately, but combined to feed

Marrow Plus: 4pm  A small amount in a tiny bottle cap right into upturned open mouth

Dinner – 7pm:  100% raw green tripe +  stinging nettle seeds sprinkled on

Medication: 11:00pm  RenaPlus prescription potassium supplement

Late nite:  11:30pm – Pureed lettuce with honey, Fosfree, Vit C, Vit. E & salmon oil IMPORTANT NOTE: NO stinging nettle seeds – too stimulative!