Tiny Chihuahua Pnut is MY testimonial to dog kidney disease survival

Dog Kidney Disease Survival

Dog kidney disease survival was why I set up this site in an effort to help others and I am blessed that tiny Pnut was MY testimonial to dog kidney disease survival.  AND…I am also so pleased to have heard from so many of you that it indeed has helped you as well.   (The comments below have been excerpted for brevity):

Hi Sharon, This is a message from Sylvia and Sammy and I just wanted to let you know that we put Sammy to sleep on February 28th.  It hurts terribly ..  Her kidneys were stable but due to intestinal problems and the newly discovered Addison’s disease the medication for this Addison did not help because of the intestinal problem. In the end she was no longer able to live and we had to put her to sleep. Her kidneys have done so well on your diet and we are eternally grateful for the extra time we got with her. I have learned so much from you that I can always apply.  Thanks Sharon, and hopefully you can help many more animals!  S. Netherlands April 11, 2020

Hi Sharon, it’s been almost 2 years since Gizmo’s stage II CKD diagnosis and my discovery of your amazing website. When Gizmo was diagnosed, the vet gave him 9 months to live, I was absolutely devastated and despaired but almost 2 years later, Gizmo, now 17 years old, is going strong and still living his best life…. I cannot thank you enough for documenting all your incredible research (which has formed the basis of Gizmo’s home cooked diet) but also for the hope you gave me when I needed it most.  Y. June. 25, 2019

Hi Pnut’s Mom,  My sweet little girl, Caileigh sadly, lost her battle with KD. She was such a trooper and did well on the regime you helped us with. She definitely was showing us she still wanted to be here. She gently slept and passed peacefully on her own terms, which is what I had always wanted for her. I just wanted to thank you, again, for all your support and for helping us to give Caileigh extra bonus time, to love and cherish her. I know that without all the nutritional support, we would have lost her much sooner and she wouldn’t have had the quality of life, that she did, for far longer than anyone expected. I, also want to thank you for helping me to stand my ground, when the vet and everyone else, just wanted me to put her to sleep. Things happened in the way they were meant to. She was truly at peace, as she gently slipped away. I am heartbroken, but, very grateful to have had this total of two extra years with my sweet little angel, who filled these years with nothing but love and pure joy. Thank you, again, from the bottom of my grateful heart.  K. Apr. 26, 2019

Hi Sharon,  Thank you for the information. I am grateful for your knowledge. It is helping me to make better choices for Rascal.  I’m glad to say that from the changes that I have made so far, Rascal is feeling much better. He was in the kitchen today watching my every movement while I prepared his food.  I found out that he loves parsnips just as much as the sweet potato. Thank you for providing the feeding guidelines.  D. Oct. 13, 2018

My 15 year old papillion (4.5 lb) refused to eat the KD kidney diet my vet prescribed. He had no energy or appetite. My husband told me to prepare myself, he was failing. I decided to quit that diet hoping I could make his last days better.  I gave him sweet potato, honey, vit B complex and a 25% protein dry kibble he gobbled up at my friend’s house. it was a dramatic change. His appetite returned the very day. Before I carried him on walks, even 400 feet was too much. Now he’s prancing around and he’s leading us longer walks. leading the pack on a  two-mile walk.  This week he started zooming around full speed. I hadn’t seen him do that in 3 years. Although I haven’t implemented all your suggestions, your site had the most valuable info and I am very grateful. I believe God led me to your website and now the days Bailey and I have left are good ones. Much thanks and  blessings L.  June 8, 2018

Subject: Thank you!   I just want to thank you for sharing yours and Pnut’s remarkable journey in fighting and winning the battle with this horrible disease.  Losing a fur baby is never easy, even when they are fortunate enough to have lived to grow old.  Your strength through this has given me strength. M. April 20, 2018

Morning… I would like to *thank you* for your courtesy! To share hope, such as these pages is almost beyond words…With gratitude, B.  Mar 30,2018

Thanks!  I know I’m definitely not getting the amount of food from the chart in her, but since I’m forcing it, it’s very hard to do.  While I don’t see significant improvement in Chloe yet, and don’t expect it this soon, there are 3 small things to note:

  1. She doesn’t appear any worse!
  2. Her poop was a dark green this afternoon, which tells me the tripe from yesterday has worked through her system.  And no blood, so I’m definitely not giving her the GI med.
  3. After she was out last, she stood over by where the treats are kept.  First time in days.  She took a part of an animal cracker (you suggested those since zero phosphorus) which I think is a positive sign!  T. Jan. 7, 2018

Hi Sharon… this is J… N……. with our dog Drake.. he is doing very well.  He is now back to normal weighing a little over 100 lbs. We are still thanking you in our hearts for the information you put on the internet as it literally saved our dog’s life. We don’t know how long we will have him but are certainly cherishing all the extra moments we have with him. Sincerely,  J.  Jan. 2, 2018

Hi -Your story is remarkable!  I started reading it when my Ginger was diagnosed with kidney failure.  It ‘s been 3 months now and the vet said her anemia  and other conditions are improving.  My ginger is a 10  lb. Jack Russell Terrier.  She  is 16.5 yrs old and hopefully she will have a few more years before she passes away.  I am so thankful I found your blog.  Just wanted to give you a shout out from another fur- momma who is desperately trying to help her baby as best she knows how.  Thanks, J and S.  Dec. 6, 2017

Hi Sharon,  My 15 y.o chihuahua, Gizmo, was diagnosed with stage 2 KCD about 1.5 months ago.  Since diagnosis I have been overwhelmed by all the information on the web and contradicting conventional vs holistic views (I have also seen about 5 vets of both disciplines) but your website and diary has really been a holy grail and has brought me so much hope.  I live in South Africa so many of the supplements you have listed are not available and have had to slightly modify your regime. The prescription KD food was totally unappealing and vet’s suggested home-cooked meals made Gizmo vomit. Your approach, however, has had him eating hungrily and has reinvigorated his energy levels to his former self.  I know there is a long journey ahead but I really cannot thank you enough for putting in all the effort and documenting your research to help others facing this scary disease.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Y.  Oct. 1, 2017

Dear Sharon,  I was getting afraid and frustrated that my dog’s numbers were getting worse and not better and started looking for alternatives and shortly thereafter found your website.  I have attached a scan from her blood test today, 08-21-2017, to see what effect your recommendations were having. She has been on the ground raw tripe for about two weeks and the nettles & other supplements for about one week. Her CRE is 2.6, (her lowest reading EVER), and her BUN is down to 55!  YAY! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!  I was at my wits end with this situation and your information has been a great help to Scruffy and this family.   I could already tell Scruffy was feeling better. She had been lethargic, and just looked “not well”… and over the past two weeks she has changed back to her old self.  We have a doggy door and for about a month she hardly ever used it except to pee and would come right back in and go lay down. Now she spends half the day outside playing with Noodle, relaxing in the sun like she did before. She has that happy gleam back in her eyes.  I did tell the vet about Scruffy’s diet change and she even noted in the computer everything I was doing.  She said she’d heard of people trying similar approaches but had never actually witnessed this kind of result first hand.  She was impressed and encouraged me to continue.   I cannot thank you enough.  B.  August 21, 2017

Dear Sharon – thanks for this insight, and all the information on your website.  My buddy Homer recently came home from a 4-day stay at the vet’s to flush his system.  He was very sick, and this is the third time in 6 months he was hospitalized for kidney-pancreas issues.  I found your site and Pnut’s story while Homer was away, and it gave me real hope and the expectation that I could do something to help him when he returned home.  I have followed many of the steps you discovered and documented so well, and I think he may have a chance this time.  There is noticeable improvement, something we haven’t seen for months!  So…thanks again for compiling Pnut’s protocol and sharing it on the internet.  You have my sincere respect and gratitude.  H.  May 4, 2017

I would like to thank you for sharing this information. Our Drake, a big black lab 8 1/2 years old, was diagnosed in October with kidney disease. He had all the signs with vomiting, diarrhea and steady weight loss along with a blood test. We changed his diet and he is improving significantly… Thanks to you and the info.   Our Drake has gained weight while on his new diet. It is the first time he has “gained” any weight in over a year. He lost 30 lbs in a little over a year going from 117 lbs down to his lowest point of 79 lbs on October 29th. In 6 weeks, October 29th – December 13th, he gained 10 lbs. He is so full of energy and is like a brand new dog.  He loves his food! I have never done so much cooking and dishwashing in my life….. But it is worth it!  Still taking each day as a blessing.  I took a chance with your suggestions all the while seeing your sweet little dog as so tiny compared to my large dog. I think the huge change came with the sweet potato/pumpkin.  One of the most important things you said was to add something new and watch to see the effect. Also you said to follow what you think would work for your dog. I am watching Drake like a hawk  I am okay with you sharing Drake’s progress in hopes that it would help others. My son in law found your site and I gave it a try. I am sure that had he not found it we would have had to put him down in October as he was SO bad. Still going a day at a time here – enjoying every extra day we get with him – God bless you and your efforts,     J. December 18,2016

I have a 6 year old share pei who was diagnosed with kidney disease in July of this year. He has been seeing a vet who practices eastern and western medicine. My 40 pound shar- pei Frank had shown unbelievable improvement including his blood within a month of starting on several supplements & raw green tripe. His Dr. is wonderful but I am hesitant to rely on 1 single person for my dogs well being. I commend you for being such an amazing mom. Frank is so important to me & I am desperate to get him back on track to feeling good. Thank you for your time & for sharing all this important info!     C. November 26, 2016

My 14 1/2 year old shih-tzu, Max, is in the severe stage of renal disease. Thank you for your article and thoroughness. Your efforts are APPRECIATED VERY MUCH!! I enjoyed reading about PNut for 2 days straight, and printed contents of every tab (yes, all 11 parts:). Again, your thoroughness is appreciated.   K.E. November 19, 2016

Hello, I have a 10 lb Pomeranian that was diagnosed with kidney failure.  Thank you so much for all of your hard work and research on this.  It gives me hope.  C.L. July 12, 2016

I am so impressed and thankful to find you and all your valuable and loving information. I have what I think to be at least a 12 year old black mouth cur who has kidney disease… She is actually doing well I think, still loves her walks of about 1.5 miles twice a day.  Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful research.  R.  June 30, 2016

You went to such great lengths to improve and extend Pnut’s life and then to share your journey in such detail that others could benefit, you are my hero. Secondly, THANK YOU!! for such an informative site! My 4 lb (also named Peanut) is 14 1/2 years old and according to her blood numbers has “moderate” kidney disease.  She has finally started regaining a little of her weight back and seems more energetic.  I can’t thank you enough for being such a thorough resource for me (and others) as I try to figure this thing out. I am already encouraged by the improvements I’ve seen (she even has some spring in her step!) and will keep looking for ways to make it better. I am in your debt.   P.  June 09, 2016

I have read your pages over and over and I really appreciate that you published this information in such detail, I have learned a lot and have been implementing many of the items in my dog’s routine.     B.W. May 15, 2016

Thank you so much! I know most mean well, but the conventional thinking of most vets makes one feel so helpless; however, anecdotal evidence like your story gives me more hope than anything else!   I have started doing a lot of things that you did with pnut. I bought the raw green tripe which he LOVES! Thank you so much for this tip bc I think it’s the single best tip I’ve ever received. He’s always been picky with food but he does so well on this, and it’s good to know that the calcium to phosphorus ratio is ideal for the kidneys with the tripe.  I’m going to have to read your diary in its entirety! I must say it makes for great reading so far! Thanks for being that voice of truth and hope that we pet parents all need when a conventional worldview tell us it’s hopeless!    A.  April 27, 2016

I really appreciate all your help.  I can’t thank you enough!    J.M. March 18, 2016

Love, love, love all the information you poured out here! Your precious Pnut was adorable…..and so lucky to have you for a Mom!  Thank you for all your time and effort you put into this, it will save a lot of lives!     V.  March 06, 2016

I just want to thank you once again for your website.  I spent so many sleepless nights doing research and when I found your site I was so happy and sad at the same time. Elated for the info and the confirmation that I wasn’t the only crazy fury mom who was so desperate to make her child live as comfortable and as long as possible but saddened to know that you went through what I was also feeling.  So far, for me it’s only been a few months and George is finally stable.  He is feeling good and energetic so for now that means I am good.  As the saying goes, “you are only as happy as your least happy child.”  Thanks to you and Pnut for all  your help!     C. January 13, 2016

Hi P’nut’s Mom!   Great job!  I too have a small dog (Yorkie) that is in renal failure.  Thanks for posting all this great information!      S. January 12, 2016

Thank you and thank you for your research.  K and N  December 21, 2015

It’s always nice to make a new friend, but it’s unfortunate to have met you under such terrible circumstances…that said, it seems that you have managed to perform a miracle with Ms. PNut and bless you for sharing so that the rest of us can follow along with your plan and keep our babies with us and healthy for that much longer even in the face of this horrifying illness.       S.R.  October 10, 2015