Sharon Sydnor shares dog kidney disease help Terms and Use

how to help a dog with kidney disease

Although I offer how to help a dog with kidney disease on this website, this is only my PERSONAL experience with MY dog and MY research and YOU must take sole responsibility for the decisions you make for YOUR dog.


This shall constitute an Agreement between the User and Sharon Sydnor and/or  This website and any susbsequent communications including text or email or any other on how to help a dog with kidney disease is offered to you under the terms and conditions set out below and by using this site you agree to these terms.

Although every effort is made to ensure the information provided on the website is accurate and free of errors, with changes being made to the site on an ongoing basis to improve the site, is not intended as a source of medical information.  Users should consult the appropriate professional, such as a veerinarian and/or qualified nutritionist for specific information.

Research results written of on this site constitutes ‘Fair Use’ rule which is limited use of another author’s work especially as it benefits the public.  Links to third party sites which are websites of other persons, companies or organizations are not controlled by Sharon Sydnor and/or and therefore no guarantee is offered for these sites accuracy in any way as these links are provided for your convenience only.  You may choose to use them or not at your discretion.

I make NO claims about whether information is FIT for use for ANY purpose.  I am NOT a doctor, have NO medical training and am in NO way professionally trained in nutrition or kidney-related illnesses. NO MEDICINAL CLAIMS ARE MADE. is provided for the sole purpose of sharing MY personal experience and MY reasons for MY specific selections about MY use of food, vitamins & minerals and herbs to help MY dog survive kidney disease.  Everyone is always advised to consult and work closely with their own qualified professional especially in knowing you are in fact dealing with kidney disease and NOT pancreatitis as I am told it’s symptoms are quite similar and a high-protein diet high in fat such as I administered and which worked for my dog would be very damaging if not fatal to a pet with pancreatitis.

No statements have been evaluated or approved by the FDA and this information is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any specific disease and if you choose to use any of this information, you are exercising your Constitutional Right of Freedom of Choice and must accept full responsibility for the outcome.  

By viewing this site, you agree that and/or Sharon Sydnor shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special damages or ANY damages whatsoever arising from the use of the website. 

Use of materials on this website
This site contains text, logos, images and multimedia material that may be protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights as well as trademarks that are proprietary to me (which may only be used with my express written permission). Any unlawful or unauthorized use of any of the content on this website may violate copyright, trademark or intellectual property laws. I authorize you to view and download information on this website for personal, non-commercial use only. Any other use of materials on this website is prohibited – including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above inclusive of modification, distribution, or republication without the prior written permission of Sharon Sydnor for