Tiny Chihuahua Pnut, star of Dog Kidney Disease Help, who survived kidney disease.

Dog kidney disease help

Welcome to my website about how I saved my little dog Pnut when she stopped eating and was diagnosed with kidney disease.  Dog Kidney Disease Help is not about curing kidney disease but how I enabled her to live WITH it by preserving what was left of her kidneys to go on and live a normal happy, energetic life.  At the time of diagnosis, I was given no hope she would survive, in fact inferring she would be gone in a month, but I literally brought her back to life with a simple unprocessed diet containing raw ground 100%  green beef tripe with SELECT fresh raw fruits and raw veggies (sweet potato microwaved in skin to preserve nutrients), all with low or calcium-bound  phosphorous, all at an important 25/25/50% ratio of protein/oil/carbs, plus a few supplemental vitamins, minerals and herbs and I’ve shared my entire success story here because I’m certain it can benefit many others – and it has – just read the testimonials!  

This dog kidney disease help site contains EVERYTHING I did to bring her back to life as a joyous, vibrant dog again.   My vet, skeptical for almost three years finally admitted she was impressed and convinced what I did saved Pnut and you can click on specific menu items to fast-forward and understand thoroughly what I did to get YOUR dog eating and playful again but my full diary tells the entire story.  This information is not meant to be a substitute for veterinary care and is only my successful personal experience documented by my three-year+ 11-page diary that is published here and proof of that considerable PERSONAL journey with Pnut and kidney disease.